Treax Pads for children

Children with challenged movement or coordination can benefit from exercises with Treax Pads. They provide many tools and possibilities, and can be used by children with different dissabilities or challenges. Treax pads can also be valuable for children on the spectrum or with attention deficit.

treax pads for children

Motor skills

Supporting the development of fine and gross motor skills in children is key for their wellbeing later in life. Treax Pads can be used as a great tool to support this specific type of training.

Focus & Attention

The pads can train childrens focus, if they struggle with anxiety or similar dissorders. The Treax Pads can also be used as a tool to capture and hold the attention of children.

treax pads for children


Training with children can involve stimulation of their senses, but also the connection with their body. The Treax Pads have a comfortable surface, bright colours and a display of lights, that react with touch.

Blow off steam

Children with a tendency to act out or have outburst might benefit from high energy controlled exercises like reaction-mode. The Treax Pads are solid enough to be jumped on and the anti-slip material underneath ensures that they stay put.

treax pads for children
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