Treax Pads for Seniors

Treax pads are used by several people within the senior segment. They are especially great for seniors, nursing homes and carers who provide in home treatment. As we become older it is important to stay active, to keep being able to perform every day tasks and enjoy life.

A tool for senior training

Treax Pads is a great tool for Seniors who wish to maintain a functional level of movement. The pads provide the user with a more “meaningful” experience while training, as the exercises have specific goals while also providing feedback.


Activity centres and community centres with activities for seniors benefit from useing Treax pads, as they provide a fun and entertaining activity. It gives the opportunity for the users to exercise, have fun and be social at the same time.

senior walking treax pads

Fall prevention for Seniors

Treax Pads can be used as part of training to prevent falls for Senior citizens. In Copenhagen the Fall Prevention Clinic has done studies with Treax Pads, and the results were positive.

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Balance training for Seniors

Balance is an important part of movement. Treax Pads can help balance training for Seniors. This can enable users to be more comfortable when walking, especially in uneven terrain.

seniors treax pads training
seniors training functions treax pads

Functional training for Seniors

Functional training can benefit a users ability to be independent. With Treax Pads you can train strength in both under and upper extremities. This will help Seniors doing everyday tasks like walking on or over steps.

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Weight bearing for Seniors

Training weight bearing for Seniors can help identify, if they overload one side compared to the other. This is especially relevant for Seniors with hip replacements, bad knees or amputation.

senior treax pads weight bearing

Maintaining functions

When training senior citizens or providing rehabilitation, the goal is to maintain a functional level of movement.

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